We are on the verge of massive drought as the water level steadily decreases

About 70 percent of the earth is covered with water. Out of which only 2.5 percent of the water is drinkable and 75 percent of this drinkable water exists in the form of glaciers and ice fields in the northernmost and southernmost corners of the earth. Available freshwater is not enough to satisfy the demand of 7 billion people. Around one billion people on earth today does not have access to clean and safe drinking water.

60% of the total fresh water consumed is wasted each day due to our negligence and irresponsible attitude.  About 70 percent of the fresh water on earth is used for agricultural purposes, 20-30% of this water is wasted due to faulty and mismanaged irrigation practices.  It is evaluated that the population will increase to 10 billion by the year 2050. With growing population and rising temperature, evaporation rate will increase and annual global rainfall is meant to decrease. It is estimated that if we go by same pace, by 2050 around 3 billion people will face water shortage.

Water Pollution

Toxic: Around 70% of industrial waste and untreated sewage is dumped into water bodies each day.

Water Insufficiency

 Insufficiency: Large parts of Asia and Africa suffer from water shortage.

Digging For Water
Digging For Water

Sunken: Ground water is the second largest source of fresh water, but over pumping of ground water over the years has drastically decreased the water level beyond reachability.

Water Scarcity In Africa

Exploring: In rural parts of Africa and Asia, women spend up to 5 hours a day searching for water.

Drinking Impure Water

Fatal: Five million people die each year due to inadequacy of safe and pure drinking. water.

Africans Drinking Cow's Milk
Africans Drinking Cow's Milk

Thirsty: Due to insufficiency of water, nomadic herders in East Africa depend on cow’s milk and blood to quench their thirst.

Providing water for all is one of the biggest challenges of the 21st century. A lot can be done by making small changes in our lifestyle. Every drop we save adds up to provide water to less fortunate ones. Though a lot has to be done, but every small step towards water conservation sums up to save thousands of liters of water each day. If we don’t act now, we’ll come to a point where safe drinking water for all will just be a far-fetched dream.

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